Sunday, December 29, 2019

Global Crime Analysis - 1134 Words

Global Crimes Analysis University of Phoenix Cynthia Butler CJA/394 April 16, 2012 This paper will identify the various major global crimes and criminal issues that affect national and international criminal justice systems and processes. In addition, there will be a comparison and contrast of the different criminal justice systems and how they have addressed major global crimes and criminal issues. Global crime is an issue that threatens the safety and security of people all over the world. Global crime can be international drug smuggling operations, human trafficking, or international prostitution rings. Weapons trading are also a problem that exists all over the world. There are always†¦show more content†¦An example of this is the central European countries, which is a centralized system. This means that the police are almost like a military force. In contrast, the British operate on a decentralized platform, which means that they operate more closely to the community than a centralized force. The Russian police have a hard time with more sophisticated crimes such as money laundering or drug trafficking. The Japanese criminal justice system works well because of police involvement with the citizens. Japan is studied by many police researchers around the world because of the low crime rate. However, in contrast many police entities in the Middle East countries do not strenuously try to block to global criminal offenses. In Afghanistan, the Taliban was accused of working with Al Qaeda to plan and execute the September 11th attacks in the United States. Terrorism is the biggest global crime that has been identified in the 21st century. The United States is leading the fight against terrorism by striking terrorist targets all over the world. There are many countries that treat terrorism as a military action and many treat the crime as a police action. An example of this would be the country of Australia, which treats terrorism as a police action and the Australian Federal Police and police tactical force deals with the crime of te rrorism, while Austria uses the EKO Cobra team and Austrian Military Police to deal with terrorism. In America, manyShow MoreRelatedAn Ethnography Of Wall Street986 Words   |  4 PagesEmploying a Gender Lens When looking at the issue of corporate crime, it becomes apparent that gender is a factor that can play a significant role. Within the article An Ethnography of Wall Street, it is described that because of a social hierarchy, the majority of those in CEO positions are white males while those in lower positions tend to be more females. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Challenge For Property Qualifications For Voting

One basis of political democracy in this period was the challenge to property qualifications for voting. It began in the American Revolution but culminated in the early nineteenth century. After the Revolution, no new state required property ownership to vote, and in older states, constitutional conventions in the 1820s and 1830s abolished property qualifications, partly because the growing number of wage earners who did not own much property demanded the vote. In the South, however, where large slave owners dominated politics and distrusted mass democracy, property requirements were eliminated only gradually and disappeared quite late, by 1860. The personal independence required of the citizen was henceforth located not in owning property but in owning one’s self, a reflection of this period’s individualism. The single exception to this democratizing trend was Rhode Island, which required voters to own considerable real estate or rental property. The state was a center of factory production, and many wage earners could not vote. In 1841, reformers met at a People’s Convention and drafted a new state constitution that gave the vote to all adult men and stripped it from blacks. When the convention illegally ratified the constitution and inaugurated lawyer Thomas Dorr as governor, president John Tyler dispatched federal troops to the state, and the movement collapsed. By 1840, more than 90 percent of adult white men could vote. By then, America had a vibrant democratic systemShow MoreRelatedThe Struggle Of The American Republic Essay955 Words   |  4 Pageswere suppressed and oppressed in countless ways, they weren’t even allowed to vote due to the many challenges set forth by the white supremacy. Race and the right to vote have been volatile issues since the creation of the American republic. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Why Understanding Learning Style Is Useful Education Essay Free Essays

Harmonizing to Honey ( 2006 ) define larning manner is a method through which pupils use to get the hang his or her learning manner, by believing and to work outing jobs. It is besides called ‘orientations or ‘approaches ‘ to larning. Honey ( 2006 ) identified four distinguishable larning manners such as are Activist, Theorist, Pragmatist and Reflector. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Understanding Learning Style Is Useful Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Persons use these four acquisition attacks to larn. Learning is really indispensable for life ; it is the key and it reinforces everything. Learning is formal every bit good as informal and a procedure every bit good as an result. It is witting and unconscious. We learn because we want to larn. Reece and Walker ( 2002 ) stated that â€Å" as a pupil, you should hold the competency and the cognition to use all your accomplishment in pattern and be able to analyze and measure the service user nursing attention comprehensively. For scholars to derive understanding and cognition they need to listen and understand what was taught. In add-on a construct of larning manner is used to depict people ‘s differences by which they learn. Each person have method to absorb and treat experiences every bit good as information. Learning manners has become of import for persons, pedagogues, parents companies and to understand the good acquisition environment allows persons differences. For illustration, research workers have suggested that one ‘s larning environment affects the pupils ‘ public presentation with respects to the consistence with their acquisition penchants. Learning manner is a method through which pupils use to get the hang his or her learning manner, by believing and to work outing jobs. It is besides called ‘orientations or ‘approaches ‘ to larning. Kolb ( 1984 ) and Bastable ( 2003 ) , both agreed in their statement that larning manners should non be perceived as fixed personality traits but as adaptative. Students have their peculiar manner of acquisition and will larn best when there is a assortment of larning chances which will enable them to larn in their ain manner. Hence, the pupil will be observed for any alterations to find if any acquisition has taken topographic point utilizing brooding, observation, concrete experience, active experimentation and abstract conceptualization. They can get down at any phase and are uninterrupted ( McgiII A ; Beaty, 1995 ) . Harmonizing to Honey and Mumford ( 1998 ) , learner ‘s manner of larning will act upon instructor ‘s instruction method. However, as a pupil nurse cognizing my acquisition manners will enable me to derive assurance as an grownup scholar. Understanding my learning manner will assist me to cognize how to travel about my acquisition methods. Knowing my acquisition manner has besides helped me to be in the right environment which is suited for my acquisition. Students have their curious ways of acquisition manners and will larn best when there is a assortment of larning chances which will enable them to larn in their ain manner. Hence, the pupil will be observed for any alterations to find if any acquisition has taken topographic point utilizing brooding, observation, concrete experience, active experimentation and abstract conceptualization. Moreso, it is utile for me to understand my acquisition manner because this will assist me to cognize how to make my class surveies and every bit good as being able to understand how to utilize my larning manner to measure the patient ‘s demands and support. It is utile for pupil nurse because it helps them pass on with their patient in the best manner the patient can understand every bit good as utilizing it to reply, get cognition and accomplishments on how to make my surveies. On the manus, my learning manner was confirmed following the completion of an audit questionnaire Honey ( 2006 ) . My learning manner is a reflector. Reflector are cautious people and thoughtful people who into consideration all possible angles, deduction before taking any action I.e. They explore many different positions. They are people who like to detect people and listen to what they have to state before they come to decision. I learn by detecting. I ever listen to people when they are talking to cognize what they are stating before coming to a decision. An illustration is when we have group activities in our talks or seminars, I normally listen to the thoughts of others first before I come up to thoughts of my ain. In my old topographic point of pattern were I did my arrangement, I observed nurses when they are making some undertaking like the readying for giving terminal injection. Before they begin the disposal, the two nurses foremost of all did some observations by look into ing the expiring day of the month, name of the client, day of the month of birth, the path, clip, and they besides checked the medical specialty cabinet temperature and it was recorded in the book where they do enter it. The prepared the injection, ready to be given. And both of them signed the book. The nurse put on baseball mitts this to avoid cross taint. Then after the injection was given, the acerate leaf was disposed in the crisp box. However, my weaker manner is activist, militant are people who engages themselves in batch of activities. They try to experiment. They ne’er think about effects before the act. As this is my weaker manner of acquisition, I will be affecting myself in a batch of activity because pattern makes perfect. I will besides seek to do instant determinations, inquire to be given group activities in category and be unfastened to new experiences. Furthermore, I will develop my weaker manner of acquisition by pull offing my clip efficaciously. I would seek to cut down the times I invest in thought and reflecting utilizing it more to seek out practical things such as inquiring that I give patients the endovenous out in pattern as opposed to watching and reflecting on the effects that could go on if I was given to make it. This manner I would be able to larn with people of different acquisition manners and be a batch more flexible both in pattern and in schoolroom activities. Like what I mentioned above, pattern makes perfect, hence I need to larn how be much more confident on prosecuting myself in activities that are more hands-on. Militant, are persons who involves themselves in a batch of activities. They are unfastened to seek out new experiences. They think of the effects of their action after they have already carried out the action in tonss of activities. They are unfastened to seek out new experiences the think of the effects after they have already carried out the action. They like to be the Centre of the activity. Harmonizing to Kolb ( 1984 ) , scholars learn better when the topic affair is presented in a manner consistent with their preferable acquisition manner. Theorist, are logical people, they think through everything before the act. They are more like perfectionist who analyse and synthesise. They are more on the nonsubjective side than on the subjective side. They reject anything non-logical and they maximise certainty. Pragmatists are people who open to seeking out thoughts and experimenting. They are down to earth people who act fast and confidently on any thought they come across. They are job convergent thinkers that make practical determinations. They take every job as a challenge. Reflectors are cautious people and thoughtful people who take into consideration all possible angles, deductions before taking any action. For illustration: they explore many different positions. They are people who like to detect people and listen to what they have to state before they come to a decisio n. Kolb ‘s acquisition distinguishes four acquisition manners which are perceivers, minds, deciders and actors. Each of these has strength and failing. It is of import that pupils become more cognizant of their learning strengths and work on their failing. Perceivers are people who beliefs in existent event of life they like listening to other peoples experiences and travel back to believe about it. They are speculative scholars desiring to cognize how to use it in their acquisition. The methodological analysis used in collating the grounds for set uping my acquisition through the questionnaire we completed is called qualitative method. However, the literature reappraisal provided me a secondary method in collating farther grounds of what is already known in the field. In decision, I have learned a batch from larning manners and every bit good as deriving cognition and accomplishments. I recognised the different types of acquisition manners and cognizing my ain method of larning. In the hereafter being able to understand my single acquisition manner will let me to be able to reassign the cognition acquired in a schoolroom scene to pattern. This will profit my experience as a pupil nurse. How to cite Why Understanding Learning Style Is Useful Education Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Strategic Supply Chains Positioning in the Industry Free Sample

Question: Write a Report on Strategic Supply Chains Positioning in the Industry. Answer: Introduction The following report provides a case study of the underlying drivers and dynamics of the supply chains management facing Adidas apparel industry. The report thus describes its strategic supply chains positioning in the industry. the paper will also address its supply chains processes which are very important in building of the shoes and clothing brands. The report draws extensively on secondary data and supply chains models which provide a rich insight on the wide range of the companys supply chains practices to the business. The success of the company will also be analysed with reference to various supply chains activities that are driven through different efforts in the company. the insights that will be arrived at from this report will also be leveraged to understand supply chains management processes for other apparel companies in reference to information sharing, inventory management, packaging of goods and the forecasting in supply chain management(Cai, et al., 2013). As a company, Adidas is a well-known German multinational corporation which its main activity is in the manufacturing of sports clothing and accessories. During the first time the company was established, adidas achieved more success in its market due to the fact that in addition to the sports footwear the company has other production lines that include shirts, watches, bags and other cloths and sports related goods(Chiu, et al., 2011). Currently, the company is also a leader in sportswear and other fashion designs. Its operation is spread all around Europe and Germany, it also operates as the second main producer of sportswear in the world(Krajewski, et al., 2006). The Key Flows in Supply Chains Information Flow When it comes to information flow in the supply chains, the company has successfully utilized the Day Sales of Inventory (DSI) system in the functionality of the management of the warehouse and its footwear and apparel. The main function of the DSI is to provide information regarding the product color, style, and size. The DSI is also important when it comes to the picking of zones to work with the management of materials, during communication of the operations in the warehouse and the SAP systems(Kim, et al., 2006). The DSI is also useful when providing a customized development when generating and connecting information between the handheld radio frequency devices and the SAP for transactions(Caniato, et al., 2012). Other functions include movement of goods, receipts, replenishment, Zone picking and cycle counting. In addition, the company has a Point of Sale system that is able to ship and process goods to distributors and other retail outlets within 24 hours. Thi s is important as it prevents late delivery to other outlets. This shows that the POS is cost effective and quick in relation to the dispatch notes and good which produce shipping transfer and label(Govindan, et al., 2016). Cash Flow when it comes to cash flow in supply chains management of Adidas, this is measured by increasing variations in demand where it is very important the company implements models that work. These models should be able to allow for a smooth demand signal that will be coming from customers(Kim, et al., 2006). As the challenges of the organisation increases and other demand uncertainties, the most effective models will be required to ensure that there is a coordinated cash flow in the organisation(Marley, et al., 2014). These models should be able to also exceed the conventional approaches to the retailer and supplier relationship. One such model that the company has utilized well is the vertical solution that includes introduction calendars, promotions, promotions and initiations and supply/ demand. Other factors that will be looked at in the companys cash flow will be goods and consumer flow. The company has good collaboration on the monitoring and shared access to safe cash fl ow systems. The adidas supply chain also looks at the open opportunities that realize the increased long term and short term costs savings and cash flows. It also important not note that at this time when there are inefficient supply chains, it will result to the poor cash position of the company. Some of the cause will include ineffective expediting techniques which will lead to the degradation of the supplier on time delivery by a particular percentage. Cash flow will also be affected by the lack of dynamic inventory planning capability which in the end results in excess inventory buildup(Teller, et al., 2016). Also when the company fails to benchmark on the previous shortcomings and factors like transportation can increase the cost. All these factors lead to cash leakage of the companys operations. It brings about a cumulative impact that will result in low competition and profitability of the company(Kim, et al., 2006). Return processes - The return process at adidas is looked at in terms of the increasing environmental concerns. This is very critical for the company it should be able to ensure that all the distributions networks have a reverse logistics plan in place. This includes the way that materials are packaged, repossessing and recycling used an unused material(Caniato, et al., 2012). Also, the company has made good use of the traditional backhauling packaging reuse and recycling. The Make Process A typical making process at adidas looks at various stages that involve raw material supplies, (S), Manufacture ( M), Wholesalers (W), retailers and customers( C ). In each of these strategies, the making processes will be connected with the others to ensure the flow of products, information, and funds. It will also be important through coordination and complex mechanism. The making process is also designed in a manner that it can generate the support and trust that is very important during the transfer of knowledge. When there is a lack of coordination it can lead to the degeneration of the responses and an increase in regard to the logistics networking costs(David Adida, 2015). This will also reduce the profitability of the network. Through proper networking, coordination calls for each stage of the make process to take into account of the impact its actions will have other stages like when transferring and generating knowledge. The structure of Make Process With reference to research information, one can say that adidas is a large logistics network. This is because the process includes freight forwarding networks, transportation networks, container cycles, supply networks, and productions(Marley, et al., 2014). For example, logistics are important when a large number of items are moved across different levels. this is also important when using alternating transport carriers and other modes of transport, which are linked to one another on different relationships and structures(Marley, et al., 2014). The other part of the make process is inventory management. This is important in maintaining proper relationships with customers. This is important as it avoids out of stock situations and provides real-time information regarding shipping status and inventory. Here the company is able to provide required customer relations and avoid losing loyalty. During the make process, retaining customers is another way of increasing and maintaining market share(David Adida, 2015). One of the main models used by adidas is the Enterprise Resource Planning. This is a system that will incorporate accounting, core financing, human resources, marketing and Information technology functions which interface with the whole supply chains. One of the merits of this system is the visibility it enjoys in the company and other sense of control in operation, capability, and improvements of integration throughout the supply chains. During the make process this has been witnessed in situations where retailers are asking questions during travel, also when sales representatives call on customer service representation to check the ERP database in relation to the travelling schedules which can be in days or in weeks(Govindan, et al., 2016). Due to such factors, the retailers and the company have been able to service the risk of losing valuable customers and sales margin and profits. Sales representatives are also in a position to open up the application and get in to the ERP system which is higher and with broad bandwidth. When it comes to transportation, the company makes use of the carrier to ship their products to different destinations. This involves the general cargo ships. In addition, adidas also makes use of air carrier for bulk orders, during high demand situations and faster delivery situations. This can include situations like sporting events. Motor transportation can also be used when delivering inventory to retail stores(David Adida, 2015). In addition, there is a third party logistics also known as Total Logistics. This is a supply chain specialist based in Europe who provide rationalization solutions to adidas supply chain. In addition, they are in the forefront when it comes to the worldwide supply of sportswear and accessories(Mellat-Parast Spillan, 2014). The main success of these projects has been consolidated in four main distribution points in to one 30,000 meters squared facility located at the Trafford Park in Manchester. Here the company is able to save on costs with regard to making processes and also deal with expansion. Adidas is also good in making partnerships with transport companies which have reduced environmental risk and enable it to become a benchmark partners for other firms(Govindan, et al., 2016). The supply chains forecasting According to Marley, et al., (2014), a proper forecasting in the clothing and apparel industry is usually difficult since it is characterized by high variety and volatile demand trends. A lot of product lines face challenges due to the increase in demand individualization that adidas combat through creating variations. In this manner, planning and forecasting for the company become very challenging and can lead to a situation of overstocking and high complexity in the supply chains. It will also call for the need to facilitate markdowns and get rid of the surplus stock. Accuracy in forecasting can be realized at adidas through flexible supply chains that had short lead times to be assessed. It is also important to note that the use of Point of Sale data at adidas can be useful in combating accuracies through adjusting the forecast or responding to inventory and market situations(Teller, et al., 2016). It is also important that adidas forecasting looks at future programs where retaile rs will be in a position to order up to 80% of the inventory for a given period in advance. This will enable the customer to get substantial discounts while deliveries are guaranteed all the time. In the most recent times, adidas was able to launch world class supply chain initiative which has been useful when it comes to moving away from the forecast based supply chain and a demand drove supply processes. In addition, adidas has also been able to re-engineer its supply chains and ensure its business is customized to a dynamic model of business to allow for differentiation to target customers. Through this forecasting initiative, the company has been able to cover different concepts-to-shelf processes and engage sales, marketing and operations functions(Chiu, et al., 2011). Lastly forecasting at adidas incorporate the brand model which delivers the companys statement, marketing, customer service, supply chains and retail capabilities. There is also the evergreen model which ensures short lead times and ensure the company is never out of stock especially for its long life cycle product and commercial operations. The Global and regional model has been able to create a regional a daptation of the international concepts and meet regional consumer requirements. This goes together with the quick response model that looks at addition markets opportunities that consider the 3-6 months concept. This will also reduce the turnaround process of products distributed in their stores(Krajewski, et al., 2006). Conclusion In conclusion, adidas has succeeded in living up to their slogan Impossible is Nothing. The company remains to be the leader in the industry. this is why it continues to confidently outperform other actors in the industry. the company has also enjoyed years of consecutive increase in market share and net include. Currently, the company remains to be the second best in manufacturing and sale of sportswear and other apparel. Through a functioning supply chains process, adidas has been able to distribute their products all over the world. Suppliers and retailers of the company products are also located all over the world and ensure customers continue to have a liking for the product in an easy and convenient manner(Teller, et al., 2016). In addition, the company has a well-established logistics system for their products. This means that there are a lot of benefits retailers gain from partnering with adidas as they will never run out of stock. In the same line, adidas will never lose its customers. Lastly, the company has successfully made use of information systems like POS and DSI. These information systems have enabled the company to be organized and maintain efficiency and effectiveness(Kim, et al., 2006). This means that adidas has to continue putting a lot of effort in the management of their inventory. A proper inventory management will call for the monitoring of stock and control the stock levels. the ERP and Tom models will be useful to increasing quality, maintaining market share and smooth flow of the supply chains. References Cai, S., Goh, M., Souza, M. d. Li, G., 2013. Knowledge sharing in collaborative supply chains: twin effects of trust and power. International Journal of Production Research, 51(7), pp. 2060-2076. Caniato, F., Caridi, M., Crippa, L. Moretto, A., 2012. Environmental sustainability in fashion supply chains: An exploratory case based research. International Journal of Production Economics, 135(2), pp. 659-670. Chiu, C., Choi, T. Tang, C., 2011. 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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Consumer forum Essay Example

Consumer forum Essay Once again, they placed a particular emphasis on fairness. Public transport was not typically regarded as credible and car clubs were not seen as attractive – partly because they fail to meet the need for autonomy, which personal ownership seems to deliver. We were able to conclude that the concept of shifting taxation away from car ownership and onto car use in a transparent way can command support. However, when it comes to taxation of fuel, vehicles and road use, people are often sceptical of the motives of policy-makers: they see taxes as revenue-raisers rather than carbon-cutters. But clear and visible hypothecation – from tax revenues to public transport – as in the case of London’s congestion charge, can help make such taxes more acceptable to people. These findings mirror evidence from elsewhere about the challenge of addressing the car culture. A prerequisite for achieving change is a committed effort to improve public transport services, to tackle long-term issues of access and mobility in a sustainable way. But effort is also needed to address our underlying attachment to cars. One clear opportunity is to work with the grain of people’s pride in their cars and accelerate the market for desirable low-carbon cars. We will write a custom essay sample on Consumer forum specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Consumer forum specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Consumer forum specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We set out, right, a number of recommendations for improving the way we get around. These include some suggestions for developing a product roadmap for mainstreaming low-carbon cars, which can build on the work of the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership(93). Holiday travel Overseas travel represents a major aspiration for many people. Participants at the Consumer forum spoke of their attachment to flying abroad for sun and for short breaks. Among less affluent groups there were numerous references to how the low-cost carrier boom has opened up travel to a wider section of the population. People were also shocked when they were informed of the impact of flying on climate change. For many, flying has always been presented as a positive thing, a chance to broaden your mind. ‘You just want to experience as much as you can, and learn about the different ways of living as well. And you can’t do that by staying around the same people. ’ Consumer forum participant There is a clear paradox in the relationship between travel and sustainability. Many champions of the environment and the developing world would acknowledge that travel was a driving force in opening their eyes. Yet there is no question that we urgently need to limit the rapid increase in carbon emissions from frequent flying. The fact that one of the ten breakout groups at the Consumer forum chose an end to internal flights within Britain as their ‘best idea of the day’ demonstrates that attitudes are open to change. It may be that, with careful and visible investment in infrastructure, and improvements in inner-city rail services (where these are a realistic and available alternative) more people might become receptive to leadership on curbing domestic flights. Even so, there are fewer alternatives to air travel in some cases. People in Northern Ireland, for example, can claim with some reason that air travel helps to reduce their potential isolation from the rest of the UK and the European mainland. Overseas travel is a more contentious area. Of course, projected emissions growth from aviation means that demand management is urgent and essential. Bringing aviation into the Kyoto Protocol and emissions trading schemes will be important steps. But it would be short-sighted to think that we can leave air passengers out of the equation when we push for more radical interventions. As we have argued upfront, if policy-makers and advocates are to create and retain the mandate for the bold action that is needed on sustainable consumption then policy will need to actively touch the lives of citizens and engage with them honestly and courageously. Our contribution has been to see how public support, and hence political will, can be built for essential demand management measures. This is the rationale for rolling out carbon offset on an opt-out basis.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Secret Life of Bees - Discussion Questions

The Secret Life of Bees - Discussion Questions Sue Monk Kidds debut novel, ​The Secret Life of Bees, is a coming-of-age story about feminine spirituality, racial tension, and maneuvering through love, loss, and change. The Secret Life of Bees is a great choice for womens book clubs and has the potential to promote lively discussions. Use these book club discussion questions to guide your group through Sue Monk Kidds touching tale. The Best Book Club Questions forThe Secret Life of Bees Spoiler Warning: These questions may reveal important details about The Secret Life of Bees. Finish the book before reading on. How would you describe Lilys feelings about her mother? Did they change throughout the novel? How did hearing that her mother left her to affect her perception of her mother?Do you believe T-Rays account of what happened when Lilys mother died?Did your opinion of T-Ray change when August told Lily about how much he used to love her mother? Does Deborahs abandonment explain or excuse T-Ray?Do you agree with Lily that people would rather die than forgive? Does she forgive her mother? T-Ray? Herself?What do the bees mean to the story? What is the secret life of bees?Do you think race was portrayed realistically in The Secret Life of Bees? What do you think Sue Monk Kidd was saying about race in this novel?Why did Rosaleen spit on the mens shoes? What are the ways the characters in the novel confront injustice? How do you think we should deal with injustice? Do these kinds of prejudices still exist today?What was your reaction to Lilys relationship with Zach? What do you think happened t o them in the future? Talk about the sisters. Who was your favorite? Do we all need a wailing wall, like May? Why do you think June was cold toward Lily? How would you describe August?What role did the Black Madonna play in their community? What do you think about the legend of the Black Madonna?Rate The Secret Life of Bees on a scale of 1 to 5.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Differential and Integral Calculus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Differential and Integral Calculus - Essay Example Calculus is widely used in physical, biological and social sciences. Examples of its applications in physical sciences are like studying the speed of falling body, rates of change in a chemical reaction, or rate of decay in a radioactive reaction. In the biological sciences its applications include solving the problem of rate of growth of bacteria as a function of time. In social sciences Calculus has its applications in the study of probability and statistics. The two main branches of Calculus are Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus. Differential Calculus deals with rates of change while studying or solving a problem and Integral Calculus involves summations of special type. One helps to find the slope of tangent to a curve at a certain point while the other is used to find the area covered by a curve and two points on it. As the entire natural world is in a constant motion and thus a change, mathematical analysis provides us the means to investigate the process of change, motion and dependence of quantities upon each other. Consider the motion of a body moving in a straight line whose position is given by a number expressing the distance and direction from a fixed point, the origin. Now if we specify the position of this body at each instant of time, it is equivalent to defining a function of some real numbers representing time to some corresponding real numbers representing position. Now consider the following three scenarios: 1. What will be function to give the velocity at each instant 2. If only velocity is known at each instant, find the distance travelled during a particular interval of time. 3. If only the function giving the velocity at each instant is known, what would be the function giving the position at each instant These are the basic problems which are generally addressed by Calculus. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS The two main concepts in Calculus are limits of a function and continuity. Limit of a Sequence If n is a set of integers greater than 0 then consecutive points of a sequence, in our example 2-1/n, when plotted on a number line the sequence will come out to be as 1,1.5,1.66,1.75, 1.8, , 2-1/n, . or 1, 3/2, 5/3, 7/4, 9/5, , 2-1/n, .. Sequence I It is worth noting that as our sequence progresses it seems that we get closer and closer to 2 or our sequence appears to be approaching 2 as it progresses further and further but at no point does it appear to be exactly equal to 2. If x is a variable with above sequence as its range then it is said that xapproaches 2 as limit, or, x tends to 2 as limit and it is written as x 2. Limit of a Function Continuing with our example of Sequence I above, if function of x f(x) = x2 then all our results would be approaching a value of 4 as in (1)2, (3/2)2, (5/3)2, (7/4)2, (9/5)2, , (2-1/n)2, .. or 1, 9/4/ 25/9, 49/16, 81/25, whereas x 2. Like in another example of a sequence emerging from 2+1/10n the terms of the sequence are 2.1, 2.01, 2.001, 2.0001, .., 2+1/10n Sequence II Here again x2. It can be easily demonstrated that x24 as squaring